The need for value based outpatient care

How point of care ultrasound will play a key role in outpatient care.

When you think of doctors and healthcare, the first places that come to mind are likely overcrowded doctor’s offices and hospitals. However, the delivery of healthcare is also changing because of technology.

From virtual communities to health hubs and special care operators, there will be innovative ways to connect healthcare experts with those who are in need of care.

The goal is to move towards a healthcare system that is focused on value-based outpatient care. In this type of care, the focus is on providing the best possible care for the patient, rather than on generating revenue. Especially focusing on preventive monitoring and reducing the numbers of admissions rather then readmissions.

There are many reasons why this shift is necessary. First, it is becoming increasingly difficult for patients to get the care they need in a timely manner. Second, the cost of healthcare is rising, and patients are struggling to pay for care. Third, COVID showed everyone that we can not rely on hospitals that are located at city centers, instead we have to focus providing care to the people while they are at home, or creating smaller hubs for primary care.

One of the most important technology in the value based outpatient care will be the consumer ultrasound. An ultrasound technology that can be used by the consumers to provide regular medical image of the progress of the diseases without needing to go back to the hospital.

Consumer ultrasound is a new type of technology that can be used for preventive care. It can help to find problems early, when they are more easily treatable. This type of ultrasound is different from the traditional ultrasound, because it is portable and easy to use.

The traditional ultrasound requires a trained personal and certain location, but with the recent development in the artificial intelligence and medical imaging, such technologies can be used by simply integrating a navigation system and an avatar to guide a person on how to move the ultrasound probe according to the anatomical part that they need to scan. The person will only be responsible to hold and move the probe.

This will mean that people can get regular medical checkups without having to go to the doctor’s office or hospital. The ultrasound images can be stored in the cloud and accessed by the doctor when needed.