Coolest Things I Learned This Week

If you’re a student of history, the holy books ( no matter which one ) is a barometer for the rate of cultural change because it’s a fixed object in a dynamic environment. These days, it feels like our entire culture is in flux. Cultural mores are changing so fast that if you escaped society for 10 years and returned to the average conversation, you’d be labeled as a bigot for saying things they used to take for granted. The same people who strongly condemn the past for their backward views don’t realize that the same thing is going to happen to us in the future. Perhaps, even stronger because we’ve become so unhinged.

When we blindly trust people’s changing interpretations of the Bible instead of pointing to the static text itself, we become like confused army ants. Since they’re blind, they rely on pheromones to keep up with the ants in front of them. Sometimes, the ants get off track and walk in a circular death trap until they die from exhaustion.

You can read more here.